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Registration of Entities – EORI Number

The EORI number is a unique identifier used for identifying economic operators and other persons involved in activities subject to customs regulations. It is assigned by the relevant customs authorities and is unique across the European Union.

The EORI number is a unique identifier used for identifying economic operators and other persons involved in activities subject to customs regulations. It is assigned by the relevant customs authorities and is unique across the European Union.

All entities (legal persons, tradespersons, associations) intending to engage in customs-related activities within the EU (import, export, transit, etc.) must have an assigned EORI number.

Non-EU entities may apply for an EORI number in the EU country where they will first undertake customs activities. Croatian residents are exempt when importing or exporting for personal needs.

The EORI number is assigned based on a submitted EORI number application, typically within 30 days from the correct application submission date. The applicant must provide specific documentation, such as identification or registration extracts.

The application should be submitted to the local customs office responsible for the applicant’s location before customs activities begin.

EU project

The company Tempo d.o.o. (Titov trg 7, 52220 Labin, OIB: 48743301312) has received non-repayable funds from the European Regional Development Fund for implementing the project titled “Improvement of IT Infrastructure and Increase of Work Efficiency Through the Complete System of International Freight Forwarding by the TEMPO d.o.o. Group” (KK. The total project value is HRK 1,535,000.00, of which HRK 800,150.00 is financed by the EU.

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Accounting VAT on Import

When importing goods from a third country into the European Union, or releasing them for free circulation, an obligation arises to pay import duties. This includes import customs duty, VAT on import, and other applicable public charges depending on the type of goods.

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AEOC Authorized Economic Operator Status

The AEO status is an internationally recognized quality mark, indicating that the company meets all prescribed quality criteria, including full compliance with customs regulations, appropriate standards of record-keeping, business security, financial solvency, and protection according to security standards. This certificate helps facilitate international trade, improve supply chain security, and reduce administrative burdens in customs procedures.

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