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EU project

The company Tempo d.o.o. (Titov trg 7, 52220 Labin, OIB: 48743301312) has received non-repayable funds from the European Regional Development Fund for implementing the project titled “Improvement of IT Infrastructure and Increase of Work Efficiency Through the Complete System of International Freight Forwarding by the TEMPO d.o.o. Group” (KK. The total project value is HRK 1,535,000.00, of which HRK 800,150.00 is financed by the EU.

The company Tempo d.o.o. received EU funds to improve IT infrastructure


The company Tempo d.o.o. (Titov trg 7, 52220 Labin, OIB: 48743301312) has received non-repayable funds from the European Regional Development Fund for implementing the project titled “Improvement of IT Infrastructure and Increase of Work Efficiency Through the Complete System of International Freight Forwarding by the TEMPO d.o.o. Group” (KK. The total project value is HRK 1,535,000.00, of which HRK 800,150.00 is financed by the EU.


The project encompasses the development and implementation of a software system and a mobile application, which will enable process automation, faster transmission of customs documents, and improved communication between drivers and employees in the forwarding agency. The system will be specially developed to meet the needs of TEMPO d.o.o. due to the specifics of their business operations, which will place TEMPO d.o.o. among the renowned forwarding companies in Europe that apply modern information and communication technologies in their operations.


The project implementation period is from January 1, 2020, to November 1, 2020. Expected project outcomes include the improvement of business processes, additional employment, and an increase in sales revenue.


The contact person for more information is Director Lara Vlačić Miletić – More information about financing projects through EU grants is available at


The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the company Tempo d.o.o



EU Project Acquisition of a Datacard Printer for RFID Cards


As part of the project “Improvement of IT Infrastructure and Increase of Work Efficiency Through the Complete System of International Freight Forwarding by the TEMPO d.o.o. Group,” co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, TEMPO d.o.o. has acquired a Datacard printer for RFID cards. This printer will be used at the company’s headquarters for issuing unique RFID cards, which drivers will use daily during transport.


The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the company Tempo d.o.o.


The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.




EU Project Acquisition of RFID Encoders


As part of the project “Improvement of IT Infrastructure and Increase of Work Efficiency Through the Complete System of International Freight Forwarding by the TEMPO d.o.o. Group,” co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, TEMPO d.o.o. has acquired equipment for encoding data onto RFID cards that drivers will use daily, allowing them to automatically and electronically transfer transport information. The encoders will be used across all branches of the company to network operations and speed up communication between employees.


The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the company Tempo d.o.o.


The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.





EU Project Acquisition of Tablets


As part of the project “Improvement of IT Infrastructure and Increase of Work Efficiency Through the Complete System of International Freight Forwarding by the TEMPO d.o.o. Group,” co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, TEMPO d.o.o. has acquired 5 tablets. These tablets will be used for testing the new application also being developed under this project, aimed at automating business processes, expediting customs document submissions, and enhancing communication between drivers and agency employees.


The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the company Tempo d.o.o.


The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.





EU Project Acquisition of WiFi Laser Printers


As part of the project “Improvement of IT Infrastructure and Increase of Work Efficiency Through the Complete System of International Freight Forwarding by the TEMPO d.o.o. Group,” co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, TEMPO d.o.o. has acquired 10 WiFi laser printers. These printers will be used in all branches for printing customs declarations and all accompanying documents related to customs clearance and driver registration.


The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the company Tempo d.o.o.


The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.

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