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Transit procedure NCTS

The Transit Procedure NCTS (New Computerised Transit System) is an electronic system used in the European Union to manage and monitor the international transportation of goods under customs supervision. Its purpose is to simplify and expedite customs procedures, reduce administrative costs, and significantly enhance security and efficiency in international trade.

T1 declaration

T1 declaration is a customs declaration used within the NCTS (New Computerised Transit System) for managing the transport of non-Union goods within the EU and between the EU and third countries. This declaration enables the transit of goods under customs supervision and is used when goods are transported from one country to another but have not yet been cleared by customs in the destination country.

Key features of the T1 declaration


The T1 is used for goods transported between customs territories, which will later be cleared in the destination country.

The T1 declaration contains information about the shipment, including a description of the goods, quantity, value, destination, details of the sender and receiver, and carrier information.

The T1 declaration is used with a guarantee for customs obligations, meaning that both the carrier and the importer are also responsible for any potential customs costs that may arise during the importation of goods.

Once the T1 declaration is submitted, the goods can be transported without additional customs clearance at the borders between EU member states. At the destination, the goods are cleared according to the applicable customs regulations.

The T1 document is usually marked with specific labels so that customs officials can easily recognize it as goods under customs supervision.

T1 declarations can be transmitted electronically through the NCTS system, facilitating the process and reducing the processing time.

Process of using the T1 declaration

The freight forwarder, on the instructions of the carrier or exporter, prepares the T1 declaration with the necessary information about the goods.
The declaration is submitted to the customs authorities in the country of export or entry into the customs territory of the Union.

Once approved, the goods can be transported to the destination.

At the destination, the goods are cleared, and the T1 declaration is used as the primary document for customs formalities.

T2 declaration

The T2 declaration is a customs declaration used within the European Union to track the transport of Union goods between Member States when the goods pass through a country or territory outside that status without changing their customs status. This declaration allows the transport of goods without the need for additional customs clearance, provided that all relevant criteria are met.

Key features of the T2 declaration:

The T2 is used for Union goods transported through a country or territory outside that status without changing their customs status until reaching their final destination in another EU country. The declaration confirms that the goods meet the conditions for free movement within the EU.

The T2 declaration includes information about the goods, such as description, quantity, value, sender and receiver details, and carrier information.

The freight forwarder, on the instructions of the carrier or exporter, prepares the T2 declaration with the necessary information about the goods.

The T2 document is marked so that customs officials can easily recognize it as goods eligible for free movement within the EU.

The T2 can be used for various types of goods, including industrial products, food products, and other items that have already undergone customs procedures.

This declaration enables faster and simpler passage through customs controls within the EU, reducing the need for additional paperwork.

Process of using the T2 declaration


The exporter or carrier prepares the T2 declaration with the necessary information about the goods.

The declaration is submitted to the customs authorities in the country of exit from the customs territory of the Union.

Once approved, the goods can be transported to their destination within the EU.

At the destination, if necessary, the documents may be checked, but no additional customs clearance is required.

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